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Silver, Stone & Sand

Shimmering silver, solid stone and shifting sands

"A most enjoyable listen; the songs are infectious and deserve to be widely 'sung out'.  Andrew and Carole are particularly adept at writing and performing songs to make you smile and songs to make you join in.  The complete set paints a vivid picture of times past with a broad spectrum of musical colours.  The songs are all very different, but all are well observed and well crafted."

Mike O'Connor, Cornwall Songwriters 

  1.  Have A Good Time                                                                 10.  Gargoyles - Maria Cunningham

  2. Stones - Jon Heslop                                                               11.  Cobre Days

  3. Old Jim Jones                                                                        12.  Pirate's Wench - Carole Etherton

  4. Limestone Harvest                                                                 13.  'Orrible Lies

  5. Closing of the Day - Carole Etherton                                      14.  The Swansea Devil

  6. Navigator Lady                                                                       15.  Silver and Sand

  7. Laying Up Silver                                                                      16.  Poling Copper

  8. Out the Sands - Carole Etherton                                            17.  Johnny Come Over The Hill

  9. Captain Courtney's Mistake                                                     18.  Let Me Breathe

All songs by Andrew McKay unless otherwise credited


New and old songs, humorous, sad, witty or downright silly

"A well-varied and well-programmed collection of songs that cover traditional, music-hall and recently-composed with equal facility; there´s also a keen sense of proud enjoyment in the duo´s singing that´s really infectious and positively invites you to join in with the rousing choruses they evidently like so much."  

Dave Kidman, Folk Roundabout 

  1.  Down in a Diving Bell - trad arr. McKay/Etherton                   9.  Love Now  Let me Call Your Name - Brian Ingham

  2. Scarecrow - Maria Cunningham                                              10.  A Smugglers' Song - Rudyard Kipling

  3. Walk her Away                                                                       11.  Too High or Else Too Low

  4. Icy Acres - Colin Wilkie                                                         12.  Childe the Hunter

  5. Harriet Lane                                                                          13.  Mary Baker - Carole Etherton

  6. Big Lil                                                                                     14.  Lazlo Fehlar - trad trans A L Lloyd

  7. Shirley's Little Sunburnt Spot - John 'Mitch' Mitchell         15.  May No More

  8. Butterflies                                                                             16.  Tomorrow Noon

All songs by Andrew McKay unless otherwise credited

Pennbucky to Llangenny

Swansea sailors and coppermen - new songs of old times

"Andrew's songs have always fascinated and elated me.  He is reminiscent of a cross between a Kipling and a Fox-Smith, but with one big difference; whereas Peter Bellamy made the tunes for Kipling, Andrew did it all himself . . and what good, rock-and-rolling songs they are, too. There isn't a wasted one among them."  

Mick Tems, Taplas 

  1.  All Washed Up Ashore                                                         10.  Drinks at the Cuba

  2. Made of Wood                                                                      11.  Dead Reckoning

  3. Poling Copper                                                                        12.  Greenholme/ The Ivy House - Trad

  4. Young Billy Young                                                                  13.  The Queen of Swansea

  5. Cobre Days                                                                           14.  The Good Ship Skyvie

  6. Lifeboat Horses                                                                   15.  By Harry

  7. 'Mumbles Hornpipe' set - Trad                                             16.  Navigator Lady

  8. Jerry the One-Legged Rigger                                               17.  Pennbucky to Llangenny

  9.  Bronze & Brass                                                                    18.  Elephants' Teeth

All songs by Andrew McKay unless otherwise credited

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